Clean Eatz Foundation
We Change Livez. It’s our rally cry. It’s our focus. It’s our daily fuel.

This hellbent mission defines the people behind this brand to a core, and now it’s sparked the Clean Eatz Foundation.
We’re proud to share a glimpse of our next big initiative. Through the Clean Eatz Foundation, we plan to raise awareness and money to support causes close to our heart — starting with childhood obesity.
We’re proud to share a glimpse of our next big initiative. Through the Clean Eatz Foundation, we plan to raise awareness and money to support causes close to our heart — starting with childhood obesity.
We’re ready to ramp up positive impact on issues that affect ALL OF US. We’re excited to kick this off, and ask that you please stay tuned on the many ways you can join the movement. For now, check out our fresh fashion line to kick things off. A portion of the proceeds from this site will go to the cause!