Shipping FAQ
Shipping FAQ
When are orders shipped?
Please note UPS will not deliver to business addresses on Saturdays. Therefore, any perishable orders expected to be delivered on Satuday based on the below timeline will be held until the following week. Please allow 24 hours for us to process your order before handing it off to UPS. Once processed, orders will be in transit based on the below map. This means "1 Day Transit" orders will be delivered 2 days after you order etc.
Time-in-Transit Map

What's the cutoff for orders?
There's no specific cut-off. We ship orders as fast-as-possible. Non-perishable orders can be sent over the weekend but perishable orders must be delivered to your store by Friday so that perishable items (barz, empanadas, pbjs etc.) don't sit in a UPS warehouse over the weekend. If you need an order same-week, we recommend ordering by Tuesday.
Why is my order only partially fulfilled?
Orders ship from different warehouses nationwide so an order may be split to different warehouses based on inventory or time-in-transit based on the above map to get you products as fast as possible.
Why is my order coming from a further warehouse?
Inventory. Our goal is to fulfill orders as fast as possible so your order may originate from a different a warehouse each time you order.
What if there's an issue with my shipment?
We handle all issues with UPS. Submit a ticket on Franconnect or respond to so we can replace the items for you.